Post-Pandemic Interior Design


As we navigate through the Covid-19 pandemic, our world is set to look a whole lot different out the other side. Nowhere more-so, perhaps, than in our homes. Considering how the global pandemic may affect the interior design of our spaces and the way in which we furnish and utilise our homes has been at the forefront of our minds over the last few weeks. Here are the ways we forecast our homes changing in a post-pandemic world.

Moving Away from Maximalism
It’s hard to imagine the maximalist design we’ve witnessed over the past few seasons working post-pandemic. People will be looking for clutter-free spaces that are easy to keep clean and to sterilise. Minimalist spaces, with clear work surfaces are considered more hygienic, as are white walls and bright, clinical spaces.

Better Quality Space
Rather than continually seeking out more space, we’ll all be keen to suss out homes that offer better quality of space. Being stuck indoors for the best part of three months has meant that we’ve all picked apart our homes and really honed in on what works and what doesn’t. We’ll definitely start to see a shift in focus to a less-but-better approach.

Focus on Work from Home Spaces
With so many of us continuing to work from home, and planning to do so more and more, now that we realise we can, thanks to the wonders of technology, there will certainly be a move towards work from home space becoming a crucial part of all of our homes. Not necessarily a dedicated home office, but clever joinery design that hides a desk within a run of cabinetry, or simply a small-scale desk in a window on which to work on a laptop will certainly boom more prominent.

More Outside Space & Bigger Focus on Natural Light
People will definitely be reassessing their need for outdoor space following Covid-19, with those of us lucky enough to have sprawling gardens definitely feeling more smug than those without. But whether your budget stretches to manicured lawns, or simply an apartment with a balcony just big enough for a bistro set, we can all agree outside space is key. Another consideration will be to look to designing homes that offer a flood of natural light throughout the day, with glazed extensions and roof lights becoming even more popular than they were pre-lockdown.

The Rise of the Larder
All hail the larder! If Covid-19 taught us anything, it’s that the need to be self-sufficient within our homes is crucial. Not all of us have the space for an expansive walk-in larder, however a simple joinery piece, incorporating floor to ceiling storage in the form of shelving and drawers can be a complete game-changer in the modern kitchen. Buying in bulk has definitely become sexy!

Less Open Plan Spaces
This is an interesting one. We predict a move away from completely open-plan living, to something a little more nuanced. We’ve all found ourselves getting under each other’s feet at home, especially when trying to work and balance not only childcare, but home schooling as well. Wouldn’t it be great to have a flexible space that allowed for you to shut yourself off for a while, whilst still allowing a communal area for the family to get together in the evenings? We can almost guarantee there will be a rise in people looking to make their homes more private as a whole, and will be looking into methods of sound proofing for the future.

Healthier Homes
We definitely foresee a rise in products that promise and promote a healthier home, in the form of air purifiers, water filtration systems and the introduction of germ resistant materials. Not only this, but there will be a definite shift towards further use of Smart Home technologies which enable us to turn on the lights, listen to music, set a timer and alarm our homes without the need to touch any buttons or surfaces.

New Spaces for New Functions
Perhaps the most significant change we will see is a move towards the creation of new spaces for new functions. For example, an enclosed entryway or porch into which parcels can be dropped securely – contact-free. Mud rooms where clothing and shoes can be removed or decontaminated proper to entering the home will also become more and more popular. This key separation of the outside world from our homes will lead to the rise of new utility spaces within our homes, and new ways in which we use them.

Looking for interior inspiration?
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